ONVIF Newsletter October 2023
Greetings from Leo Levit,
We’re heading into another jam-packed quarter, with events happening around the globe and ONVIF initiatives underway that continue the standardization of metadata and cloud connectivity. We’re excited to present new opportunities for member collaboration and industry advancement in these key areas.
In the newsletter below, you will read about several more events this fall featuring an ONVIF speaker or presented by ONVIF. These events will help to share our latest activities with audiences on different continents and segments of the security market. In addition, our participation provides opportunities for dialogue with ONVIF representatives, conversations that we consider crucial to our ongoing and future steps as an organization.
Finally, in recognition of Cybersecurity Awareness Month in October, we will be highlighting our first Add-on on our blog and social media channels, which supports configuration for Transport Layer Security encryption between devices and clients. With the final version expected to be released later this year, the ONVIF TLS Configuration Add-on is an important step in ensuring that cybersecurity measures are part of the ONVIF ecosystem and conformance process.
Kind regards,
Leo Levit
Chairman, ONVIF Steering Committee
ONVIF Celebrates 15th Anniversary, Longtime Members at September Meetings
A host of full and contributing member companies gathered in mid-September in Zagreb, Croatia, for the bi-annual ONVIF All Committee meetings. The three-day long event featured a dinner celebration commemorating the 15th anniversary of ONVIF, as well as recognition of member companies who have contributed to the work of ONVIF for the past five, 10, and 15 years.
The ONVIF Profile M allows a Profile M conformant client to be video management software OR a server- or cloud-based service. This enables added flexibility for integrators and other service providers to take advantage of Profile M’s support for analytics applications.
Blog Highlight: How ONVIF Benefits the Intercom Market
Read more here.
ONVIF Member Spotlight: SecuriThings
With Guy Arazi, Director, Technical Partnerships at SecuriThings
What does your company do? What services, or products, do you provide?
Read the full interview with SecuriThings here.