ONVIF Specifications Adopted by NIST

June 6, 2019 by Emma James

Today, there are a multitude of different standards organizations across many different disciplines, each charged with solving a specific problem that their industry faces. As the de facto standards organization for interoperability in the security market, ONVIF has pursued and maintained collaboration with other standards organizations. We recognize that the main goal of increasing interoperability cannot be reached if standards organizations operate independently.

With its simple conformance process and proven business benefits, ONVIF specifications have been recognized by multiple national and global standards organizations, most notably the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), which prepares and publishes international standards. As the demand for interoperability is on the rise, as well as the expanding Internet of Things, today’s world requires continued cooperation and collaboration between ONVIF and other organizations with similar missions: to provide the highest levels of interoperability possible. While IEC has adopted ONVIF profiles as the global specification for video and access control, the reach of ONVIF continues to extend even further. 

Export File Format, the ONVIF specification for the export of video from security surveillance recording platforms, is the new standard recommended by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for the exporting and playback of video surveillance recordings. The ONVIF Export File Format will enable law enforcement as well as private users to more quickly and efficiently conduct forensic investigations using video of an incident from multiple sources – both private and public – regardless of what recording system originally captured the video.

Per Björkdahl, chairman of the ONVIF steering committee, said, “This is a major step toward harnessing the massive amounts of video evidence, produced by IP-based video surveillance systems, that can be available to law enforcement in the event of a major incident, as well as to any user of a video recording system in need of faster and easier access to multiple video files.”


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