ONVIF @ Security Essen – 2008
ONVIF (Open Network Video Interface Forum) was represented at Security Essen in Germany and was overwhelmed by the response to the forum activities.
More than 200 companies have already expressed interest in ONVIF and the development of a global open specification for the interface of network video products. ldquo;We anticipated a good response, rdquo; said Mr. Jonas Andersson, Chairman of ONVIF rsquo;s Steering Committee ldquo;but the response, particularly at Essen, exceeded our expectations. It rsquo;s clear that the need for IP based standards in the security industry is already overdue. rdquo;
The dedicated ONVIF booth was testament to the commitment of the group, and the demonstration of a basic level of interoperability between camera products produced by the three founding members (Axis, Bosch amp; Sony) was evidence of the practical approach being taken towards standardization. ldquo;This demonstration is just the beginning, there is still a great deal of work to be done by the forum, rdquo; said Mr. Frank Verschuren, Chairman of the Technical Committee of ONVIF.
There was a great interest to find out more about ONVIF.
The ONVIF booth at Security Essen.
Demonstration of interoperability based on the framework of the ONVIF specification.