ONVIF focuses on interoperability and ease of implementation

  • Web Services facilitates implementation and ensures conformance
  • Extensive standard framework already exists in Web Services
  • Modern and future-proof technology platform

ONVIF (Open Network Video Interface Forum) puts interoperability and ease of implementation in focus in its work to establish an open global interface standard for network video products. The core technology chosen for the ONVIF specification, Web Services, enables efficient development of conformant products.

“Web Services is a modern technology with several capabilities that make it ideal for implementation in network-based products,” says Dr. Hans Busch at Bosch Security Systems and Chairman of ONVIF’s technical committee. “The technology allows for quick and easy integration thanks to source code generation through standardized WSDL (Web Services Description Language). Data type conformance comes automatically with the generated code, relieving developers from making their own interpretation of the interface. This approach eliminates the risk of misinterpretations and ensures conformance to the interface specification,” Dr. Busch continues.

Conformance is one central factor to ensure interoperability on a global market. Another is to keep things as simple as possible and not to reinvent the wheel, which is an additional reason for ONVIF’s choice of Web Services. “Several established and well-tested frameworks already exist in Web Services, including specifications for device discovery, event handling and security. These specifications — WS-Addressing, WS-BaseNotification and WS-Security — are derived by standardization organizations such as W3C1 and OASIS2,” says Dr. Busch. “Within ONVIF, we aim to utilize existing standards and only create something new where it is necessary.”

With the Web Services technology, ONVIF has a modern and future-proof platform for its standardization work. “For a global initiative, it is very important to have a developer-friendly platform that enables efficient development of conformant products,” says Dr. Busch. “Based on our experiences, we are confident that Web Services will be highly appreciated among integrators, developers and manufacturers,” he concludes.

Notes to editors
1 The World Wide Web Consortium
2 Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards

For press inquiries, please contact:
Open Network Video Interface Forum
2400 Camino Ramon, Suite 375
San Ramon, CA 94583, United States of America
Phone: +1.925.275.6621, E-mail: info@onvif.org

Established in 2008 by Axis Communications, Bosch Security Systems and Sony Corporation, ONVIF (Open Network Video Interface Forum) is a global and open industry forum that is committed to the adoption of network video in the security market. ONVIF’s mission is to facilitate the development and use of a global open standard
for the interface of network video products. ONVIF membership is open to manufacturers, software developers, consultants, system integrators, end-users and other interest groups that wish to participate in the activities of ONVIF.